Tuesday 9 February 2016

Turn on the hotspot of your Laptop

How to Turn on the hotspot of your Laptop:-

To turn on the hotspot of your computer/Laptop this is the easiest way


1)Open a notepad or anything you have to write.
2)Create a new file.
3)Type the text given below

     "netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=nameofyourhotspot             key=passwordtoprotect".

4)Hit the enter
5)Type in the next line

"netsh wlan start hostednetwork" .

6)After typing this two line save your file with ".bat" extension.
7)And run this with Run as adminstrator
8)Your laptop's hotspot is turned on check it out.

If you turned on hotspot network after the work is done you have to turn of this network to save unnecessary waste of your laptop charging.
So don't worry here is the help to turn it of

How To Turn Off Hotspot:-

1)Open a notepad or anything you have to write.
2)Create a new file.
3)Type the text given below

"netsh wlan stop hostednetwork" .

4)After typing this line save your file with ".bat" extension.
5)You have turned off your hotspot network.

thank you...



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